Leveraging Healthy Teams to Achieve Your Goals
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 10:45 AM - 11:15 AM

Cathy Fraser (she/her/hers), the Chief People Officer of WelbeHealth, will share Welbe’s commitment to healthy teams and the resulting positive impact on culture and performance. There’s no debate that teams are the way of contemporary work. More challenging is the question of how to form and sustain such teams? At Welbe, the healthy team program was first embraced by the senior team, then rolled out throughout the organization with intentionality and discipline to healthy team behaviors. This includes continuous reflection on the five elements of a healthy team, time for quarterly feedback, and clear purpose in our meetings. Most recently we’ve introduced agile into our teams; putting iterative problem solving and design into our healthy team tool kit. How can you adopt these team practices that will start your own journey? With courage, community and commitment!