Full Name
Mandy Smith
Job Title
Vice President of Training and Employee Development
Speaker Bio
Mandy Smith joined SWBC in 2001 and is responsible for providing SWBC employees and swbcU clients with learning and development resources, including instructor-led classes, eLearning courses, learning and career paths, library items, and training programs.

Mandy’s team identifies the needs of SWBC employees, focusing on professional and technical skills growth, compliance, and regulatory requirements, and overall engagement. As a result, employees have access to over 20 instructor-led classes and over 8,000 vetted eLearning courses. She is also responsible for SWBC’s Mentoring and Emerging Professionals Programs.

Mandy also oversees swbcU, SWBC’s turnkey, learning platform that brings many of the resources available to SWBC employees to our client partners, including compliance and regulatory training. swbcU provides our clients an easy and affordable way to bring critical employee development resources to their organizations.

Mandy is a graduate of Wayland Baptist University, a Certified Clifton Strengths (formerly StrengthsFinder) Coach, and a Certified Professional in Training Management (Training Industry, Inc.). She was named a Learning! Champion by Enterprise Learning! Mandy also sits on the board for the Association of Talent Development (ATD) – San Antonio Chapter and the Chief Learning Officer’s Business Intelligence Committee. Under Mandy, SWBC’s Training & Employee Development team has earned a number of awards, including the Learning! 100, Brandon Hall Excellence, and Learning Elite.
Mandy Smith